Three free plugins to help you manage your community with WoltLab Suite

Managing an online community is no easy task, so any help is always welcome. Here are three free add-ons that can help you manage your community with WoltLab Suite.

'ACP-Shortcut' by Felix | D1strict

When we manage a community it is common to have to switch between the public part, or frontend, and the administration panel. Although we can manage a lot of things from the public side, many other things are only available from the WoltLab Suite Administration Control Panel. This add-on allows you to display a shortcut icon in the top menu of the website, so that accessing the Administration Panel is simplified with a simple click.

This is a free plugin and is available from the WoltLab Plugin Store.

This plugin is not yet available for WoltLab Suite 6.1.

'One-Time-Username' by Maximilian Mader

This plugin can save you a lot of misunderstandings. When a user is deleted or decides to change their username, the alias they were using is automatically released by default, so it can be registered by another user. Thanks to this plugin you can set a lockout time during which a username cannot be used again. Once the set time has elapsed the plugin automatically unlocks the username and it can be used again in your community.

Undoubtedly, this plugin is a perfect tool to avoid confusion, but also to mitigate the attack of trolls and spammers and to avoid the impersonation of our users.

This is a free plugin and is available from the WoltLab Plugin Store.

'KittMedia Visit Statistics' by Black Rider

Analysing the statistics of our website is important to know its popularity and to know which content is the most visited by our users. Through this add-on you can have a lightweight tool integrated into the administration panel that will allow you to collect statistics on visits to your website. In this way, this plugin allows you to know through an interactive graph the number of visits to your website over time and also gives you information about the most visited pages. With all this, it also collects data on the browsers and devices used by our users, allowing us to adapt our content to their consumption preferences.

The great advantage of this plugin is that it does not track users or use tracking mechanisms, making it a privacy-friendly software, and fully compliant compatible with the General Data Protection Regulation.

This is a free plugin and is available from the WoltLab Plugin Store.
